FuMar are always keen to play at different venues, so get in touch if you have any suggestions.

Next gigs

September 15th, Brampton Community Centre: Link to tickets and information about this exciting Art-Music Event with a Kurdish influence.

September 29th: Rome ... private party.

In particular, FuMarprovisation are looking for innovative spaces, galleries, co-working spaces or art classrooms to run art–music workshops.

Previous Tours

Saturday July 15th: FuMarProvisation event: [Bookcase Cafe](http://www.bookcasecarlisle.co.uk/cafe/4591047468) Garden 17-19 Castle Street Carlisle Concert in the evening at 19.30 Tickets from venue 01228544560

Saturday October 14th: FuMarisation event: [Florence Art Centre](http://www.florencemine.com), Egremont, West Cumbria Concert 19.30: tickets from venue

Saturday November 11th: FuMarProvisation Event: [Gregson Art Centre](http://www.gregson.co.uk), Lancaster Concert 19.30: tickets from venue

17 March, 2017
12.30 pm
17 March, 2017 at 12.30 pm
Address: 78 Rue Compans in the 19th arrondissement (metro line 11 at Place des Fêtes).
17 March, 2017
7.00 pm
17 March, 2017 at 7.00 pm
FuMar will be playing in the Food Lab Chilam Tacos bar of the Parisian incubator [Volumes](http://volumesparis.org). Address: 78 Rue Compans in the 19th arrondissement (metro line 11 at Place des Fêtes). There's room for 40, so it's best to [reserve tickets](https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-fumar-in-concert-32500776698?aff=eac2).
21 July, 2017
7.30 pm
21 July, 2017 at 7.30 pm
FuMar will be playing chilled ambience music at the start and gradually raising the energy levels during the evening.
17 November, 2016
8.00 pm
17 November, 2016 at 8.00 pm
Launch of the album "Lanercost Sessions 2" in the UK.
8 December, 2016
7.30 pm
8 December, 2016 at 7.30 pm
£5 in advance, £8 on the door.
10 December, 2016
11.15 am
10 December, 2016 at 11.15 am
£5 in advance, £8 on the door.
15 September, 2016
8.00 pm
15 September, 2016 at 8.00 pm
Private concert.
16 September, 2016
8.00 pm
16 September, 2016 at 8.00 pm
Private concert.
17 September, 2016
7.30 pm
17 September, 2016 at 7.30 pm
Tickets on the door.
18 September, 2016
8.00 pm
18 September, 2016 at 8.00 pm
Private concert.
21 September, 2016
8.00 pm
21 September, 2016 at 8.00 pm
22 September, 2016
7.30 pm
22 September, 2016 at 7.30 pm
23 September, 2016
7.30 pm
23 September, 2016 at 7.30 pm
Restaurant outside Toulouse.
24 September, 2016
7.30 pm
24 September, 2016 at 7.30 pm
25 September, 2016
6.00 pm
25 September, 2016 at 6.00 pm
20 February, 2016
8.00 pm
20 February, 2016 at 8.00 pm
FuMar and The ART Band. Tickets £5 (cons), £8 in advance from The Bookhouse Cafe 01228544560 or from Phil. £10 on door.
16 April, 2016
8.00 pm
16 April, 2016 at 8.00 pm
Private party.
20 May, 2016
8.00 pm
20 May, 2016 at 8.00 pm
FuMar and the ART Band.
5 June, 2016
2.00 pm
5 June, 2016 at 2.00 pm
Special concert for us, exploring new ideas and concepts.
17 July, 2016
7.30 pm
17 July, 2016 at 7.30 pm
Recording of FuMar's new album. Email for tickets

Saturday June 17th: FuMarProvisation event: Galerie Du Colombia,Peinture, 91 Rue St Honore, Paris, 75001 with Visual Artists: Jeanne Casaril and Viviane Dunn

Saturday July 15th: FuMarProvisation event: [Bookcase Cafe](http://www.bookcasecarlisle.co.uk/cafe/4591047468) Garden 17-19 Castle Street Carlisle Concert in the evening at 19.30 Tickets from venue 01228544560 Visual Artist: Carol McDermott

Saturday October 14th: FuMarProvisation event: [Florence Art Centre](http://www.florencemine.com), Egremont, West Cumbria Concert 19.30: tickets from venue Visual Artist: Stephen Warnes

**Thursday November 9th: FuMarProvisation Event: The Peer Hat, Manchester, with visual artist Amang Mardokhy

Saturday November 11th: FuMarProvisation Event: [Gregson Art Centre](http://www.gregson.co.uk), Lancaster Concert 19.30: tickets from venue Visual Artist: Charlotte Gurran

13 October, 2017
9.00 pm
13 October, 2017 at 9.00 pm
FuMar will play a concert of their own compositions, jazz-classical fusion and some standards from their album "Lanercost sessions 2" plus any new material.
14 October, 2017
7.30 pm
14 October, 2017 at 7.30 pm
FuMar will be playing their repertoire of cool jazz: standards, own compositions and classical jazz fusion plus telling the story of the Music-Art Happening from the afternoon session with artist Stephen Warnes.
9 November, 2017
8.00 pm
9 November, 2017 at 8.00 pm
FuMar are delighted to be playing their opening concert in Manchester in The Peer Hat. There is a Music - Art Happening from 12.00 to 3.00pm. The evening concert at 8.00pm will feature a Music-Art Happening with Kurdish artist Amang Mardokhy accompanied by percussionist Arian Sadr.
11 November, 2017
7.30 pm
11 November, 2017 at 7.30 pm
FuMar will be playing their cool jazz repertoire of standards, own compositions and classical-jazz fusion plus showing the art from the Music Art Happening from the morning session.